Farewell to 2024 and Hello 2025

Dec. 31, 2024
Here’s to those of us that chose to stay home tonight and finish the year off in our comfy casuals, while polishing off another chapter of a great novel. We might be reading it, or even writing it instead of partying into the wee hours of the New Year with the others. We at home might then pause, lean back in our chair and reflect on the setbacks and successes that we’ve accumulated in 2024. As I turn off the lights at my own writing desk for the last time this year, I hope that in 2025, both you and I will welcome wonderful memories, good health and more great books to read. And, of course, we will write.

The Circle of Life

The old cemetery across the road often gives me pause to reflect on living and dying. Although we all look at it differently, our life always begins with a heartbeat and in the end, it becomes still. We are born and, at some point, come to realize we will not be here forever. Our passing is eventual – it completes the circle of life. Some complete that cycle after a life well-lived, others barely start the journey, and then it ends. If you’re reading this, you and I have probably lived long enough to consider the experiences, both good and bad, that our years have given us. We’ve checked some boxes off our bucket list, but have we fulfilled what we yearned for – love, success at whatever, or simply having more rewards than regrets?

Some of us have been loved and respected by many, others just a few. Some have nurtured and cherished a life from first glance until it was time to go. That time may have served to lighten our burden of grief. Some poignant words were offered by a stranger who had endured that experience: “Someday you will breathe again.”

The sun was rising and warmed the breeze as I walked between the stones across the field. I whispered, even though no one would hear:
“I loved you and miss you. You will only be truly gone when I too, have completed the circle of life.”

Plotters and Panters (or Pantsers)

I’m often asked about how I develop my novels and plot their characters. I’ve learned from a number of best-selling, and some not-so-best-selling authors, that most of us fall into two basic categories: Plotters or Panters (some use Pantsers).

Plotters meticulously map out their novel – they compile pages of comprehensive notes or line their walls with little yellow stickies of intricate details, then write their narrative.

Panters are the opposite – they fly by the seat of their pants, and ‘Ta-Da’, the novel is written. Mind you, it’s usually it’s a long, drawn-out journey to get to the ‘Ta-Da’ part. I am definitely a Panter. When I start a book, I already have a fairly clear idea of how it will end. I write at home, when it is quiet and I am undistracted by other things (except watching Jeopardy).

In The Road to Alright, there are four main characters (and four secondary roles, counting a dog). The Park Street Secrets has many characters, summarized in a chart at the front of the novel. In Follow Polly’s Lane, the unpublished manuscript I just finished at the end of March, there are five main characters (this time a dog is a main character).

When I reflect on all of my characters and plots, I have only changed the trajectory once, which didn’t affect the plot outcome. So, I feel confident saying the panter method works for me.

In the photo, “Happy Pants” represents me when I get to that ‘Ta-Da’ moment. Pure joy (including some happy tears).

Book # 4: Here I come …

Take good care!


Why The Six Month Gap?

My last post was published on July 5th, 2023, just a few days before I was asked to return to my previous role in mental health care. A totally unexpected but important request. So, from August to just a few days ago I worked with a wonderful team of mental health experts. My job duties included completing psychiatric intake assessments. Described simply, an assessment is like building a historical puzzle, ensuring all the necessary pieces are uncovered and in place, which enable the psychiatrist to make his diagnostic impression and offer a treatment plan.
Gathering and documenting demographic details, chronicling timelines, administering test scales, and ensuring accuracy are as important as treating every person who is seen and heard with the respect and dignity they deserve. To avoid any conflict of interest and be respectful, I minimized blogging and social media posts during this time.

Now, I say goodbye to working in health care for the third and final time.
Welcome to 2024 – 12 new chapters and 365 blank pages to write Book # 4 … oh, but yes, after those 10,000 words I need to finish Book # 3!

A Different Kind of Cruise Ship Research

In my last blog, I wrote about my temporary neighbour “Sunshine”, who laid the foundation for the character Montana in the manuscript I plan to finish this year. It all began with him saying “Well, I’m never going to meet you again, so I might as well tell you this …” His words sparked my curiosity about people who bury remnants of their past, just as Blair did in ‘The Road to Alright’ and Marcello hid in ‘The Park Street Secrets’.

I wondered if others could enhance the new characters in my 4th novel (start date: 2024) by sharing a sliver of their lives, so I recently did some research on a cruise ship (part of this book takes place at sea). The corporate office’s ‘Customer Intelligence Team’ allowed me to invite passengers to share their most valuable relationships, life fulfillments, biggest regret(s) and finish Montana’s sentence: “I’m never going to meet you again, so I might as well tell you this …”.

Participants submitted their answers verbally, by email, or in sealed envelopes (most anonymously) at the Guest Services desk before the cruise ended. The last option required security clearance to ensure that nothing valuable, illegal or secret documents would be stored in the ship’s safe before I picked them up. To un-complicate things, I confirmed there were no “secrets” inside the envelopes – well, sort of …

To those guests who took the time to answer my questions, I am deeply grateful to you. When I was a nurse, many patients humbled me by their resilience; reading your responses gave me goosebumps, and many brought me to tears. Thank you so very much for taking the time to do this – I truly hope to honour your efforts by creating another great read …

With good wishes, especially to Craig,


“I’ll never meet you again, so I might as well tell you this …”

            When all is well in my world, I am lucky enough to escape to write. My pre-requisite is always for a safe and peaceful retreat. This year it was safe, but far from quiet. There was everyday ‘people noise’ and ‘street noise’ – and then there was the noise that happened after the sun went down.

            A man from far away became my neighbour. In daylight, I pecked at my manuscript while he fished and snorkeled. In the evening, he sat quietly perched on a stool nearby, undistracted by books or screens. Our cordial greetings progressed to chit-chat about weather, sunsets and what made our worlds go round. On the third day, well beyond the niceties, he leaned against the balcony railing and said, “Well, I’m never going to meet you again, so I might as well tell you this …”

            Every night thereafter, he shared a tiny morsel of his life, and to a writer, these revelations were like gold. With his consent, I began blending them into my current novel. This kind man handed me something unexpected, a precious slice of his life, and this is how the character “Montana” was born in Follow Polly’s Lane (working title).

Stay tuned for how “Well, I’m never going to meet you again …” became a research question for my next novel – but I need to finish writing this one first!

 With good wishes,


“Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life.” Sophia Loren

Before morphing into an author, I looked at book features differently. How did the front cover sell me? What did the back cover tell me? Now, I look to see how visible the words are on a book’s spine, and if it has a classic or trendy cover. I’ve read many books, penned by famous authors and edited countless times by reputable publishers. Nita Prose’s novel The Maid is a perfect book, inside and out. Its cover displays an image in a black keyhole set against a brilliant red exterior. I just love it.

What impacts me the most now is when I find a mistake, like I did in Hilary Rodham Clinton and Louise Penny’s bestseller State of Terror. It tells me that regardless of where we sit in the pecking order of our craft, we make mistakes. Even for talented authors with big budgets, they happen. When The Park Street Secrets was published, I gifted the gentleman who owned the building (where this story is set) with a copy. He asked me for two more, and I promptly delivered them. As I handed them over, he smiled rather coyly and said, “You’ve made a mistake.” He was right. I acknowledged him as Mr. Fediorek in the novel’s credits, when in fact, his surname is Fiedorek. I accept full responsibility for it, especially when I correct those who misspell my own name. This mistake is being addressed, hopefully along with all the others which I, or my editors have missed in both novels. My sincerest thanks (really) to everyone for bringing them to my attention. As Mr. Henry Ford said, “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.”

In my next blog, I’ll tell you about a man I met who started our conversations with “I’ll never see you again, so I might as well tell you this…”

Take good care!


How My ‘Park Street Secret’ Dream Came True

For a while I worked as a nurse, not far from 4177 Park Street in Niagara Falls, Ontario. My daily walk took me past this tired building. I wondered how many love letters crossed the Post Office floor (1885-1930), and what kind of manifests needed clearing by the Customs side (1885 -1952) before the local police station took it over. Abandoned in 1978, it remains vacant to this day, but oh, if those walls and jail cells could tell their secrets …

            These secrets made the ‘author’ side of my brain run wild. I imagined “renovating” Park Street into condos, planting its rich history and folklore into my characters. On rare occasions during my walks, I saw a gentleman in work clothes behind the locked gates of the property, whom I incorrectly assumed was a transient. Once I asked him if he knew anything about the building – he confirmed that in fact, he was the owner, and his eventual plan was to restore it as a museum.

            I’d never set foot beyond the steps of the massive front doors, but later, after our chance meeting, I hoped this gentleman would contact me. Many months and scribbled notes later, he kindly returned my call – while I was driving. The closest place to pull over and be able to write notes down was in the parking lot of Niagara Fall’s most popular strip joint.  “Darla” was the featured exotic dancer that evening, and the perfect name for Adrian’s date in my novel – you’ll need to read more about the aftermath of their encounter. So, in the strip joint’s parking lot, I shared my dream of using 4177 Park Street as the setting for The Park Street Secrets with the building’s owner, and was thrilled when he granted me permission.

            When the book was published, I gifted him with a copy. He asked for two more copies for his children, and I delivered them the same day. As I passed them to him, he smiled rather coyly, and said, “You’ve made a mistake.” In my next blog, I’ll share what that mistake was. In the interim, please take good care.



Cyberspace and Book Signings: Yvonne Van Lankveld

Even though I was born decades before the internet, I quickly embraced its benefit. But when the world of social media exploded, as a nurse I saw people struggle because they weren’t “liked” and “friended” and “followed” enough. In December of 2021, I said goodbye to nursing and hello to the business end of being an author. The amazing Ben from Tellwell gave me lessons on posting and blogging – great things to promote author exposure. Heather, a social media wizard, nudged me forward, and Carly boosted my confidence, yet I still wonder how the “world” will judge what I post. My novels, just like my characters, are similar to the glowing screen of social media in that they leave us with nowhere to hide. While I appreciate that it’s a such a valuable commodity, like medication, it has negative side effects.

There is great power in books, but there is greater power in cyberspace. Unfortunately, Indigo was recently cyber attacked, and while things are slowly edging back to normal, author events like my April 1st book signing are postponed until their systems are restored. In the interim, stay tuned while I write, and navigate this “posting” and “blogging” adventure. Take care!
